I’m an actor. Below is a list of my film roles. Feel free to reach out about new opportunities for collaboration.

Head South (2024)
Directed by Jonathan Ogilvie, this is my first speaking role in a feature film. I play the Hairdresser. Head South has played at film festivals around the world and will soon be released more widely. It has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
세상 따위 Fucking World (2024)
This music video marked the launch of the newest album for K-pop artist Layone. I played a contemptible chef. You can see additional footage in the teaser. Directed by Hobin.

뉴질랜드 New Zealand (2024)
This music video for a 2022 song by Layone was the prequel for 세상 따위 Fucking World (above). Directed by Hobin.

Never Ever Say Never Ever Ever Again (2024)
I had a fun little cameo as a security guard in this Christchurch 48Hours film.

Citron (2024)
Directed by Georgie Lush of One Dollar Genre. I have a small role as a revelous partygoer.

Taniwha Gorge (not yet released)
Directed by Corran Lindsay, this project is a work in progress. I play an arrogant aristocrat. We’ve filmed in some amazing remote locations.

UFOMO (2023)
Directed by Alexander Jones of One Dollar Genre. I played a government agent.

Cydonia (2022)
Directed by Julian Josland. I played a marine.

Join the Club (2022)
Directed by Mark Morrish. I played Damien.

The Whole World (2020)
48Hours film competition, team Toot Toot.
Watch the animated film Toot Toot, filmed remotely as part of 48Hours Lockdown Edition
Stopping World War II (2019)
48Hours film competition Christchurch finalist, team Toot Toot, directed by Michael Bell. My performance won us the award “Best Use of Wind”.

Mama (2019)
Directed by Daniel Sheridan.

The Smart Phone (2019)
Directed by Raymond Lum.

Error Control (2018)
Computer Science Field Guide (University of Canterbury). I played the checkout operator.
Watch my part in this cheesy educational video.
The Wish (hopefully nobody else picked that title) (2018)
48Hours film competition Christchurch finalist, team Toot Toot, directed by Michael Bell. I played the genie.

(S)takeout (2018)
Directed by Beka Cameron. I played the father.
Canterbury rebuild seven years on (2018)
I channelled my inner documentary presenter for a scene about construction in this Stats NZ video.

The Stolen (2017)
Directed by Niall Johnson (best known for Keeping Mum). I was an extra (a goldminer). I appear in two scenes (one indoors and one outdoors). My greatest claim to fame is being an unrecognisable gesticulating bearded blur behind Jack Davenport of Pirates of the Caribbean fame, although (if you look carefully) I am recognisable in this shot from the same scene:

Circle (2017)
Directed by Jonathan Briden. I played Aaron in this web series pilot.

Brobot (2017)
Directed by Andrei Talili. I played “Courier Man”.
Jack of All Trades (2016)
Directed by Jake Vale. I was an extra (a “Telecool employee”).

Gone (2016)
48Hours film Christchurch, team Rags to Richmond, directed by Krysta Neve. Nominated for Best Cinematography. I played Charlie Flowers.